Grouse Moor Estate

Grouse Moor Estate

Needs: 30-year Ecological vision and strategy for nature and peatland restoration, with natural capital and ecotourism forecasts and options

Landscape Characteristics: Upland Moorland, Peatland, commercial woodland, riverine habitat

Nestling in the highlands this once heavily managed grouse moor includes farmstead, bothies and a commercial sika spruce timber and a reasonable length of wooded riverine habitat bordering a large river, suitable for fishing. Wind turbines and further extensive commercial forest are on its borders.

Vision: To restore the landscape with a focus on native woodland regeneration and treebanks including Caledonian pine, silver and downy birch, rowan, juniper, elder and hawthorn. Restoration and rewetting peatlands together with watercourse repair, wild grazing with free range native cattle and hardy ponies alongside work to support waders, black grouse, and golden eagle. Ecotourism plans for a visitor centre with holiday lets and glamping alongside plans for natural capital income generation were also included. The 100 year ecological vision of RWE envisages a complex, scrub-studded landscape where red-backed shrikes can return, white storks can soar, and colonising white-tailed eagles can find safe haven.