New Pressures – New Opportunities

There is immense pressure on rural landholders and land managers today, with competing demands from government, advocates, stakeholders and investors to be climate resilient, nature positive and carbon neutral.

Our expertise is purely in nature and how to ensure its urgent recovery – giving you a one stop solution, making your company goals and targets of decreasing biodiversity loss; sequestering carbon; mitigation flooding or ensuring climate resilience all possible today through a new viable and profitable land use option.

However, its not simply an option – it’s an urgent necessity.

Real Wild Estates Approach

In partnership with you, we deliver our service across core phases.

Tailor-made services

Our main service is principally offered as the full-service ecological management or oversight packages, working alongside your own on-site teams. However, you can also select individual services, tailored to meet your specific company or corporate requirements. Speak to us about any of the below services and request a quote.

Reporting & Stakeholder Engagement

  • Annual Reviews for KPI & ESG Reporting
  • Annual Ecological Impact Reports
  • Stakeholder Identification
  • Engagement Strategy Planning
  • Presentations, Workshops & On-Site Engagement

Media Needs & Communications

  • Media & Impact Narrative Creation
  • Strategy & Planning
  • Presentations & On-site Engagement
Financial modelling

Using our WILDnCAT Forecasting tool

We have developed a class leading proprietorial software tool that can be used by portfolio land and asset managers to assess any small or large landscapes for nature recovery’s financial viability. The software includes all the latest up to date natural capital and commercial income streams that can forecast long term monetary yields, allowing you to make valued judgments on nature positive land use changes and potential investments, both now – and long into the future.  It can even be used for pre- acquisition assessments.

Contact us to know more.

To justify your commercial objectives, your ESG needs, your Carbon Net Zero commitments and your Biodiversity impacts, or for sustainable investments in nature-based solutions (NBS), you need to:

  • Assess and risks and returns of long-term investment with annual yields, IRR and CAGR forecasting
  • Long range forecasting against the prevailing and emerging national regulatory frameworks and emerging natural capital, carbon and biodiversity credit markets
  • Compare different options and opportunities for investment in nature-based solutions
  • Understanding capital expenditure and operational expenditure investment requirements
Real Wild Estates

Long term Indicative forecasting 

To give you some indication of how we combine nature restoration with forecasting yields, incomes, and IRR, below are some exemplars from differing landscape settings and land uses:

Windfarm Restoration

650 acres, Upland Moor

windfarm on moorland

Key Actions

  • Woodland Natural Regeneration
  • Peatland grass moor restoration

Income Opportunities

  • Woodland Carbon Code (Ave price)
  • Biodiversity Net Gain
  • Countryside Stewardship
  • EWCO

Income Per Acre

  • From £95 to £232 per annum

Indicative Cumulative Income

£M @£15 per
CO2 ton
£M @£27.50 per
CO2 ton
£M @£40 per
CO2 ton
Year 1 £0,259 £0,553 £0,581
Year 5 £0,877 £1,720 £1,770
Year 10 £1,280 £2,700 £2,750
Year 20 £1,450 £3,370 £3,190
Year 30 £1,870 £4,270 £4,530
Real Wild Estates

Small landholding investment – 150 acres

Pasture, river valley and orchards

Common Blue Butterfly at Garn Wen

Key Actions

  • Woodland Natural Regeneration
  • Orchard Restoration
  • Wood Pasture Creation

Income Opportunities

  • Woodland Carbon Code (Ave price)
  • Biodiversity Net Gain

Income Per Acre

  • £415 per annum

Indicative Cumulative Income

Year 1 £0,259
Year 5 £0,877
Year 10 £1,280
Year 20 £1,450
Year 30 £1,870
Real Wild Estates

Building Diverse & Resilient Landholdings

Diversified income streams are key to resilient and viable land holdings and WILDnCAT tool produces a host of graphs and charts that give you all you need to know based on a variety of income scenarios and comparable against ‘business as usual’ (BAU).

Income streams include all established and emerging natural capital and ecosystems services, but can also include produce like meat, commercial lets, education and tourism opportunities for example.

Chart examples here:

Land Investor Graph. (lowland)
Land investor - Cum Net Income by Revenue Stream -
Annual Net Income Lowland
Land Investor - Annual Net income (Lowland)

Please do contact us if you would like your own landholding modelled for a nature recovery strategy.

Aim Wilder
Real wild estates brochure

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